Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofuranes(PCDD/PCDF) - "dioxins" - represent a group of compounds covering 210 individual congeners originally formed as unwanted by-product during thermal or chemical processes.
17 selected congeners proved to be of special persistence, bio-accumulative and toxicological relevance. Thus these congeners are under special national and international regulation. By several contamination accidants especially in the field of food and feedingstuff dioxins attracted worldwide attention.
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) are covering 209 individual compounds. Used as technical mixtures e.g. in transformers, building materials, plasticisers, coatings they were released to the environment and entered the food chain. 12 selected PCBs elicit dioxin-like toxicological effects. As so called dioxin-like PCBs they are regulated comparably strictly as dioxins.
Dioxins and PCBs (esp. dioxin-like PCBs) are of relevance already at extreme trace levels as reflected by corresponding strict threshold levels. Therefore secured analyses at lowest trace levels are essential.
OEKOMETRIC offers these reliable analyses for more than 20 years including the relevant national and international methods (DIN, EN, EPA, JIS).